Primary Email Settings

E-mails: Primary Email Settings

To configure primary email settings, navigate to Website > Settings > Email Settings. This section allows you to customize various aspects of your email communication to align with your business needs.

Email and Documents Settings

Business Logo: Upload your logo to personalize emails sent to your customers.

Primary Color: Choose a color that matches your branding and apply it to email templates.

Notification Email: Specify the email address used for sending and receiving notifications.

Use SMTP Server to Send Emails

If you prefer using your own SMTP server for email delivery, you can configure the necessary details here:

Host: Enter the SMTP server address.

Port: Specify the port number for communication with the SMTP server.

Username: Provide the username for your SMTP account.

Password: Enter the corresponding password.

These settings ensure secure and reliable delivery of emails through your selected SMTP provider.

eCommerce Module Email Settings

If you have the eCommerce module enabled, you can customize various automated email messages sent to your clients. This includes setting the content and tone for notifications about account registration, order updates, and more.

Available BBCode Placeholders

Use the following dynamic placeholders to personalize your messages:

{title}: Inserts the website title.

{domain}: Inserts your website's domain URL.

{client_name}: Includes the customer's name (specific to eCommerce emails).

Customizable Email Notifications

You can tailor the following email templates to suit your business needs:

New Account: Welcome message for new user registrations.

Reset Password: Instructions for resetting user passwords.

New Order: Confirmation for newly placed orders.

Order Status Updates: Notifications for various order statuses, including:



On Hold



In Process




Additionally, you can customize templates for:

Order Note: Notifications about additional notes related to an order.

Product Note: Messages concerning product-specific updates.

Order Tracking: Updates about order shipping and tracking information.

Order Invoice: Details about the invoice for a purchase.

Order Refund: Notifications regarding order refunds.

Order Details: A summary of order specifics sent to the client.

HitMe email settings customizable email templates SMTP server configuration eCommerce email notifications dynamic BBCode placeholders email notification customization

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